Rima Bishwokarma # Chha Prashna

Rima Bishwokarma is a very well known and popular name Nepali music video and film industry. She is a successful model and actress. Some people and media doesn't hesitate to call her beauty queen as well. Rima is also a bachelor student of Mass Media Communication. Rima has played as female model in hundreds of Nepali music video. She started her career as a child host in television channel running a program 'Jadai Jadai' for children. Rima Biswhokarma is now busy her recent movie project 'Batomuni Ko Ful 2'. News24 TV Channel's Amrit Pudasaini has invited Rima Bishowkarma today on his show today. Lets watch and hear what Rima answers upon '6 Questions'. We wish Rima a very successful career.

# Video on Youtube

# Photo source: Flickr